Renewing Your Illinois Concealed Carry Permit

Renewing Your Illinois Concealed Carry Permit

Published June 7, 2018 88326 Views

As we reach the five-year anniversary of concealed carry in Illinois, those who were among the very first to obtain their CCW permit will need to make sure that they’ve completed the renewal course in order to keep it valid.  This is something which needs to be done every five years, and it’s been m...

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Private Range Time Makes a Great Last Minute Gift

Private Range Time Makes a Great Last Minute Gift

Published December 19, 2017 4473 Views

If you’re still scrambling for that perfect last minute gift for the firearm enthusiast you love, Concealed Carry of Illinois is offering 25% off private range time!  It’s great who anyone looking to brush up on their skills, while getting some one-on-one pointers from a certified NRA instructor....

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Keeping Your Concealed Carry Skills Sharp

Published September 13, 2017 9276 Views

For those who have completed their basic firearms safety and concealed carry training, it can be easy to assume that you’ve done everything you need to do.  As many have learned, though, staying up-to-date on your training is just as important as getting your permit.  Over time you may retain many o...

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Alternatives to Classroom-based Firearms Training in Chicago

Published November 22, 2016 11309 Views

While group classes still remain a popular option for those looking to obtain their IL concealed carry permit, many are discovering the advantages of having private group training at their home or workplace.  At Concealed Carry of Illinois, we've gone to great lengths to offer the most diverse range...

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Chicago Thugs and Gangbangers Targeting Suburban Victims

Published June 9, 2016 10540 Views

Chicago ended its 2016 summer season with the highest number of shootings in a single weekend, making it the city's most violent summer in recent history.  Now, many will argue that this surge of unprecedented violence is limited to the city's south and west sides, but new reports are showing that t...

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Do I Need to Take the Full 16 Hour IL Concealed Carry Classes?

Published December 2, 2015 21344 Views

For the majority of those looking to apply for an Illinois concealed carry permit, it will be necessary to take the complete 16 hour CCW course.  But what if you're already have certifications or professional experience with firearms?  Do you still need to take the Basic Pistol Safety class in addit...

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Training Options to Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Illinois

Training Options to Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Illinois

Published September 4, 2015 7454 Views

By now, it's safe to assume that most Illinois residents are at least somewhat familiar with the availability of concealed carry training so close to home.  For many ,however, this can conjure up some images that have nothing to do with responsible firearms ownership.  Because until you've actually...

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The Benefits of Small CCW Permit Classes

The Benefits of Small CCW Permit Classes

Published October 7, 2014 4667 Views

With so many Illinois concealed carry classes to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which one is best for your specific needs. Let’s take a look at the advantages of smaller classrooms when it comes to getting trained and certified for your IL Concealed Carry permit. A Better Learn...

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What to Expect During IL Concealed Carry Permit Classes

What to Expect During IL Concealed Carry Permit Classes

Published October 4, 2014 29544 Views

If you’re a firearms enthusiast who resides in the state of Illinois… even if you’re not, but still want to protect yourself and loved ones, you’ve probably considered taking the Illinois CCL Firearms Training Course.  Understandably, especially for those new to handguns, you may be wondering what t...

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Concealed Carry Training: Not Just for the Guys

Concealed Carry Training: Not Just for the Guys

Published June 5, 2014 3070 Views

One of the false misconceptions associated with obtaining a concealed carry permit, is that it’s something only for men with lifelong interests in firearms, hunting, etc. This, however, could not be further from the truth in today’s society. In fact, we’ve been seeing an increase in the number of wo...

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Stay Protected by Getting Your Concealed Carry Permit

Stay Protected by Getting Your Concealed Carry Permit

Published May 12, 2014 5094 Views

If you've been paying attention to the news lately, it's clear that we are on the cusp of great social change here in the United States.  Closer to home in Illinois, many residents are realizing that having a means of reliable personal protection is something they need to strongly consider.  Gun and...

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What Makes Concealed Carry of Illinois CCW Classes Stand Apart

What Makes Concealed Carry of Illinois CCW Classes Stand Apart

Published May 6, 2014 3472 Views

As a company that routinely checks in on what our competition is offering, we’ve learned that not all concealed carry permit training classes are the same. If you’ve been considering registering with one of the many discount CCW permit classes, it’s important to have complete information in order to...

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Over 4,600 Concealed Carry Permits Issued in DuPage

Over 4,600 Concealed Carry Permits Issued in DuPage

Published January 10, 2014 7800 Views

DuPage county might not be the best place for criminals to try their luck, as Illinois State Police officials recently announced that DuPage County has issued over 4,600 concealed carry licenses since submission began this past January.  Of the more than 73,000 total CCW licenses issued in the state...

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Places in Illinois Where Concealed Carry is Not Allowed

Places in Illinois Where Concealed Carry is Not Allowed

Published January 4, 2014 22371 Views

As the State of Illinois gradually begins issuing concealed carry permits to the estimated 50,000 residents who’ve already submitted applications, many, including the general public, have been left wondering where a person can and cannot carry a concealed firearm. Where is Concealed Carry Pro...

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Why IL Concealed Carry is a Good Thing

Why IL Concealed Carry is a Good Thing

Published January 11, 2013 6005 Views

There will always be those in our society who, based on absolutely nothing, will remain under the impression that concealed carry is dangerous, regardless of the state or city in question.  For those of us who have actually taken time to give the issue real thought, we would simply like to point out...

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Getting Your IL Concealed Carry Permit

Getting Your IL Concealed Carry Permit

Published December 31, 1969 36962 Views

After decades of efforts from the NRA and other organizations, as well as countless individuals, residents will now be able to obtain their long-awaited concealed carry permit in Illinois. This has come to the delight of millions of registered gun owners throughout the state, as well as the Chicago...

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When Do IL Concealed Carry Classes Begin?

When Do IL Concealed Carry Classes Begin?

Published December 31, 1969 3794 Views


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The Difference Between Concealed Carry and Pistol Safety Classes

The Difference Between Concealed Carry and Pistol Safety Classes

Published December 31, 1969 9083 Views

Since it was first announced that Illinois had passed the necessary measures needed to legalize concealed carry, there has been a frenzy of information appearing all over the internet. Unfortunately, a concerning percentage of what is posted, read and shared is far from accurate. Some people have st...

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Why Chicago Concealed Carry is a Good Thing

Why Chicago Concealed Carry is a Good Thing

Published December 31, 1969 5166 Views

By now, just about everyone with eyes & ears has been made aware of how high Chicago’s crime rate is.  Among them, are those who foolishly, hastily, insist that guns, and guns alone, are the entire problem.  What this ignorant slice of the population fails to take into consideration, is that at the...

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Concealed Carry Private Group Classes

Concealed Carry Private Group Classes

Published December 31, 1969 7128 Views

Ever since officially becoming law in Illinois, citizens have been scrambling to find out what is needed to get their IL concealed carry permit.  For those of you who are already familiar with the process, you know that taking the state’s official Concealed Carry class is the first step.  Of course...

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Preparing for Concealed Carry in Illinois

Preparing for Concealed Carry in Illinois

Published December 31, 1969 5850 Views

By now there are more than a few Concealed Carry class graduates, as more and more residents and gun enthusiasts are becoming educated on the requirements needed to apply for their CCL permit. And while the process of getting training is otherwise straight forward, there are still some issues that h...

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Avoiding Concealed Carry Training Nightmares

Avoiding Concealed Carry Training Nightmares

Published December 31, 1969 3827 Views

When it comes to getting you CCL permit in Illinois, there are many factors which need to be taken into consideration before registering for classes.  Not only will this ensure that you have the best possible learning experience… it will also help in saving you time and frustration as you go about t...

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Illinois Agrees to Offer Paper Applications for Concealed Carry Permits

Illinois Agrees to Offer Paper Applications for Concealed Carry Permits

Published December 31, 1969 8792 Views

The topic of Illinois concealed carry permits has remained an intensely-heated one, ever since coming to pass earlier this fall. One of the more popular discussions among firearms enthusiasts, has been centered around the actual application process. Until this point, it had been declared that the on...

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Why Banning All Guns is Not the Answer

Why Banning All Guns is Not the Answer

Published December 31, 1969 19360 Views

Those who support an all-out ban on firearms tend to live under the assumption that banning all gun sales would instantly result in a crime-free world.  On the pro-gun side, however, we see this sort of narrow-minded thinking as a telltale sign of how shallow their levels of critical thinking truly...

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What Makes our IL CCW Classes the Best Deal in Chicago?

What Makes our IL CCW Classes the Best Deal in Chicago?

Published December 31, 1969 3986 Views

Googling the phrase ‘CCW classes in Chicago’ brings up some interesting results.  There are those offering concealed carry training for under $100, others with instructors telling tales of their wartime heroics, and just as many bragging about the number of states in which they offer permits.  By th...

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Concealed Carry Permits Gaining Popularity on Chicago's North Shore as More Women and Seniors Join the Ranks

Concealed Carry Permits Gaining Popularity on Chicago's North Shore as More Women and Seniors Join the Ranks

Published December 31, 1969 4588 Views

When Brian Kossof, founder and president of Concealed Carry of Illinois, began offering Illinois State Firearm Safety and Concealed Carry classes in September of last year, the room was filled with men and perhaps a handful of women. “To be honest, I wasn’t at all surprised by the male to female rat...

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Questions to Ask Before Taking Chicago CCW Classes

Questions to Ask Before Taking Chicago CCW Classes

Published December 31, 1969 4177 Views

One of the most important things you can do before signing up for a concealed carry class, is to know exactly what you’re signing up for.  Illinois’s decision to allow CCW permits resulted in more than a few people jumping on the training bandwagon, and this makes it important to have a clear unders...

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